Tuesday, July 8, 2014

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

thiblog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

this blog is terrible 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 2. Alone together

 I, Porygon, walked up to this Nidorina. I had heard about Nidorina from my friends togepi and carnavine I met in a rich mansion garden. Of course.. The area of which I believe was referred to as kanto was very far away from my region that held many myths of dragons and of time and space.. And darkness... Anyways.. We soon began talking about her past. She had been the results of what was called "excessive breeding". It is where a trainer breeds and breeds a pokemon as much as they can until they get the strongest pokemon with the best move pool. Now.. Normally this isn't bad as long as you give the hatchlings to someone who will take care of them. Nidorina was born on an island full of beautiful flowers. But soon after her hatching she was put in a PC like me. She of course did see a few battles eventually... But then.. She was ubruptly traded away to some foreign trainer that offered a candle like pokemon that was referred to as Litwick. She then saw way more battles with this trainer. This trainer kept using the prize money she earned for him on the slots in a city casino that seemed to have somewhat of a strange feel.. As if there was a secret there.... This trainer really wanted this mysterious pokemon. She helped willingly... But right when he had enough coins.... He put her out into the box and switched her with this new pokemon. I can only assume it was be but I didn't want to share this info at the time because of the harm that might come from it and as this was my only friend left... I didn't want to be alone and hated... 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 1. Inside the box.

Hello. I am porygon. Many probably think of me as a Frankenstein. A man made monster unlike other pokemon. Or at least that's how I sometimes feel around the other pokemon. I used to be a free pokemon that roamed this garden near this big mansion. One day, these men in black suits captured me. Next thing I know, I am a prize at a casino. Suddenly, this kid comes and says he wants a porygon. Finally. After long last I am free. This person travels a lot to foreign regions. I remember the plane ride back to his region. First time I've ever been in a plane. It was cool. A lot of free space. It was fun. I thought it would never end.. Sadly.. It did end.. The plane landed in this cool region full of big cities and a desert. I heard it even had a castle. There were a lot of new pokemon I hadn't seen before like cool zebra pokemon. This was fun. Suddenly.. This trainer takes me on an adventure! We travel for a few hours and suddenly... This green psychic pokemon appears. He sends me out. This is my chance to prove myself worthy. I use confusion. He gets confused. Things are looking good for me. He uses a flash cannon and I get blasted. I have barely any strength to move on. He then switches me out for another one of his partners. As I watch in the pokeball I feel regret.. Regret of failing the only one I wanted to appreciate me. I tried reassuring myself by telling myself that every pokemon loses at one point. Soon he catches the pokemon! Gotcha! It was caught! This new friend I was excited to meet would soon be the reason for my sadness. Solosis was his name I soon found out. Suddenly the pokeball disappeared. Weird. I always thought trainers put their pokeballs into their bag after they caught a pokemon as I saw it done before. Soon the trainer comes rushing into the pokemon center! He wants to heal me? He still cares even though I failed him? He walks near nurse joy.. But turns to the right.. To a computer? Why? He boots up the PC. He is about to move his pokemon. I'm put in in replace of the solosis... Rejected.. I waited forever for this moment to travel with a trainer.. Then suddenly... Rejected? Is this why I waited on top of a counter in a casino? This paradise room called the box I heard of.. It was lonely.. I didn't see anyone.. In due time that might change.... Won't it? Maybe he's putting me in here so the others will have a chance to train too. Boy was I wrong. I started to hear a small cry. Little did I know I wasn't alone. For here was another by the name of Nidorina. She was too alone. Traded away from a trainer overseas... Just to wind up alone in a "box"... All alone.. -Porygon